Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Puzzle Cube

For this product i was task with designing a "puzzle cube" and building a package for distribution that would appeal to small children. For prep i had to design puzzle combonations for 3,4,5,6, piece cubes then after i did that i had to choose a combonation out of the ones that i had made and turn them into a cube. Then make a package for the cube with 3x3 properties so that the cube would fit in the package.Below is a rendered image of my cube which i have made in blogger so that i would have a digital image of what my puzzle cube would look like.
Then after making the cube we were tasked with animating our cube to show how it is made and how it can be can be constructed and de-constructed so that we could properly see the inside and how it can be or a proper way to contruct the cube so that it would fit and be a neat perfect cube.

Also the next slide shows the properties of the cube and how they interact with each other and more or less the information of how many pieces were used in its contruction

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