Friday, June 10, 2011

Isometric Drawings

For this I was tasked with drawing shapes and then placing them into idw and dimensioning to show off their features.Also to show how the figures are placed in a way to show how they would be viewed by professional engineers who have recieved a design protocol.


Monday, June 6, 2011


For this we were tasked with designing the following shapes using set parameters given to us from a previous assignment

Monday, April 11, 2011

20th Century Inovations

For this project i had o choose a very useful and productive product and write about how it has been inovated over the years to be better and safer for people.When the car was first invented it was steam powered and hard to use since it did not go as far as today's modern vehicles. Also changes have been made in cas like the creation of seat belts as to protect passengers.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Driving Constraints

For this i was tasked with getting the green rib like piece into the base and then putting the blue cylinder through the hole so that it matched up with the ribs in between the green piece. I then used angle constraints so that the blue piece would turn i then automated the blue peice so that it turned automatically. Then when its been turned to a certain position the red peg will pop out of its hole.

Basic Constraints

For this project i was tasked with using basic constraints to make this shape,First i mated the Square,Hexagon, and Triangle into the holes. Then mating the circles and making one of them tangent to the other.After that i was to make the squares unto the edge and flush them so that they were on the very edge on the base.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Schoolroom Constraints

The following Contains Constraints that i have done in class to test my abilities with the features in Autodesk Inventor These next few pictures are the results of my work during class with a short description of what i had to do.
I was tasked with (Will be updated)
Shell the bottom on the lunch tray so that the holes on top (Currently not visible) Would not be flat
I was tasked with turning one circle on the wheel and spreading it across the axis in the middle.
I was tasked with making holes on top of cylinders inside of the circle
I was tasked with embossing my name unto the bracelet
I was tasked with lofting a rectangle into a circle to make the following Shape
I was tasked with filleting the bottom half to make them curved and using chamfer on the top to make a clean cut.

I was tasked with extruding a line on both sides
I was tasked with doing an intersect extrustion to create the following shape
I was tasked with mirroring half of the image to create the whole image
I was tasked with coiling a line to make a spring
                                           I was tasked with spreading a pattern along the path
I was tasked with extruding a line to make the following paper clip
I was tasked ribing a line into the wall of the shape
I was tasked with taper an a extrudsion to make a slanted square come out as the outcome
I was tasked with repeating a pattern of circles unto the rectangle to create the following shape
For the following constraint i was tasked with getting a picture or logo unto a water bottle to create a sort of ad or label.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Puzzle Cube

For this product i was task with designing a "puzzle cube" and building a package for distribution that would appeal to small children. For prep i had to design puzzle combonations for 3,4,5,6, piece cubes then after i did that i had to choose a combonation out of the ones that i had made and turn them into a cube. Then make a package for the cube with 3x3 properties so that the cube would fit in the package.Below is a rendered image of my cube which i have made in blogger so that i would have a digital image of what my puzzle cube would look like.
Then after making the cube we were tasked with animating our cube to show how it is made and how it can be can be constructed and de-constructed so that we could properly see the inside and how it can be or a proper way to contruct the cube so that it would fit and be a neat perfect cube.

Also the next slide shows the properties of the cube and how they interact with each other and more or less the information of how many pieces were used in its contruction

Monday, January 24, 2011


The following the project i did where i was instructed to make improvements to the modern day cup and redesign it to make it more beneficial. The improvements that were made are that it can play mp3s and has a tv on the sides also a ice cooler at the bottom to keep the drink cold for longer periods of time.There are sketches of the cup as well as a model to the right to show what it would look like.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


This is my project which had to be done on the history of measurements,Where it came from how it changed and how it is used know. The following shows the the title page and ending outro for my book jacket

Also itcluded is the tests included in my researach like how i had to go to many sites to learn many things about measurements like major blunders due to wrong measurement,How the french contributed the most,and how it was redefined several time over the course of its existance

Monday, January 17, 2011


My name is Bilal Muhammad and i will be using this blog as a portfolio for my Engineering Design class.I will be posting my projects and examples along with brief description of what I did.Please check back to see my work!